Nutri Source Adult Dog Food

by Xina
(Cape Cod, Massachusetts)

Our breeder was giving NutriSource Puppy food to my Shih Tzu Benny Boo, who is 20 months, he was 3 months old when we got him.

When we ran out of that we thought we should slowly switch him to other dry food since nobody in my town carries it.

We tried everything out there, he seemed not to like it, by day 3 of his self imposed starvation, we brought him to the vet who suggested to give him wet food mix with dry.

Benny would pick the wet food off it, finally we ordered NutriSource online. It arrived after 5 days, it was a little pricey, about $55.00 for a 30 lbs bag of NutriSource chicken and lamb.

We mixed it with other dry food, still he picked off the NutriSource only, he seem to really love it. Once a week we mix wet food with it, and he devours all of it.

He is a healthy, playful, sweet dog with a coat that is beautiful, and soft.

And the best part is Benny never skipped meals again.

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Nutri Source Dog Food
by: Anonymous

NutriSource Dog Food Was The Best Choice For My Dog
by: Jessica

I used to use a more expensive dog food before feeding my dog Nutrisource dog food brand and he seemed to be always gassy, had loose stools and diarrhea.

The so called high quality food was too rich and didn't have the fiber which is needed to help dogs to digest.

After some research I bought NutriSource. Best decision I could've made for my boy. After I started mixing in this food to his old food, he was feeling better and his stools were firmer, and less gassy too.

I would recommend this to puppies as a good dog food.

Thinking about switching to NutriSource Dog Food
by: Jim

We were thinking of switching to NutriSource dog food brand for our puppy.

Our breeder raised Bailey, our Shih Tzu, on Royal Canin dog food. Bailey is now almost 8 months. She went from 7 lbs to 13 during the 6-8 month growth spurt.

I would like to know what others think of NutriSource brand dog food?

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