Dash Rip Rock

by Laura
(Jackson Georgia)

My Hero Dash

My Hero Dash

Dash Rip Rock
I had just rescued Dash from the Atlanta Pound and we were just starting to get to know each other. The accident happened while we were outside on a bathroom break. I fell down, and being 65 it was hard for me to get up. The whole time that I laid on the ground, Dash never left my side! I was so impressed. He really didn't know me. He also hangs around me if my sugar goes real low. I have an amazing dog. I love him so much!

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Apr 08, 2018
Hero Dash
by: M.

That's a wonderful story about him staying with you, he is so adorable! :)

Dogs are wonderful friends to have, they remain loyal and don't ask for much in return, yet they bring so much to the relationship and help us through some of the most difficult parts of our lives.

Thank you so much for sharing Dash with us and giving us another reason to love our pets.

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